Immunity Clause|Customer Center|Korean Cosmetics Online Shopping Koreadepart

Immunity Clause

Before you use all services of this website, Koreadepart [], please refer to following terms of immunity.

  • We try our best for the contents stated on this site to be accurate, but sometimes, there might be some mistakes of expressions about some items. As for this matter, we have no responsibility for the losses caused by this matter. Please note in advance.
  • Some information stated on this site can be changed or revised without notice. We have the right to revise or modify information of this site frequently without notice.
  • Our company, has the copyright of all the contents written on our web site. Using all the contents of without permission is prohibited.
  • Without reference to the issues stated above, we have to responsibility for the losses caused by links or contents written on this site. Please note in advance.

Please kindly refer to other terms of immunity following below before you use this site.

1. Immunity clause in purchase

Please refer to following clauses before you make a purchase on this site.

  1. There are some cases that orders of some popular items pile up or that deliveries are delayed due to supply issues. Sometimes, terrorism or riot from the producer or natural disaster such as fire or earthquake and so on may occur. We notify you when the above matters happen via e-mail.
  2. There are some cases that some items are destroyed on delivery. We always try our best those return process to be hurried but, sometimes, they might be delayed due to short stock or orders piled up. Please understand in advance.
  3. In the case of food products, we are always checking the expiration date of each product. However, some of food items that passed the expiration date are shipped by mistake. We are so sorry to trouble you, but, please ask us for return through My Q&A or e-mail. We have no responsibilities for the incidents occurred by eating those food that passed the expiration date.

2. Immunity clause in delivery

  1. Some shipments are sometimes delayed due to the late delivery of the post office, weather or traffic problems. We always try our best for fast and safe delivery, but please understand about these irresistible matters.
  2. Some revised information or some information of delayed shipment are not delivered to our company. Also the detailed data such as shipped date or times are revised by the post office not announcing our company. In this case, the data is recorded a few days later. Please understand this in advance.
  3. We pack some products such as CD, DVD, cosmetics and food with air cap completely to prevent damages on delivery. However, damages occur by the irresistible incidents such as falls or crash. We try our best for those cases to be returned or to refund quickly, but it could be delayed due to the short stock or orders piled up. Please understand this in advance.
  4. Some shipments are destroyed or delayed due to the post office procedure. In this case, we have no responsibilities, but the post office does. Please understand in advance.
  5. Products must be returned within 7 days of the Process Date on the order packing slip to receive a refund to the payment method used on . If not, we reserve the right to refuse a refund on the item. Please contact us immediately through our Q&A page or e-mail within 7 days of the Process Date.

Please refer to the above immunity clauses in advance before you use this website.

3. Immunity clause in privacy policy

Click here : for full details about “Immunity clause in privacy policy

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